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In today’s fast-paced world, the education landscape has altogether changed. Traditional methods of education are fast being replaced by other modes of learning, with universities all over the world offering online study programs to cater to students and working adults who cannot physically attend classes due to their personal or professional commitments. Other major reason online education is gaining traction among a diverse body of students is the economic constraints students generally face in the traditional education format. Easy accessibility of the Internet has also encouraged students to opt for online education, experts believe. That the trend of acquiring inexpensive distance education is becoming common among students and professionals alike is an undeniable fact in today’s busy and competitive world.

Though online universities have mushroomed all over the Internet in the last couple of years, only a few of them provide quality education. University of Omaha is one of the online universities that provides high-quality and affordable education to students and working adults. Courses are designed keeping in view the requirements of busy students and professionals who can enroll in any program of their choice without impinging on their personal or career commitments. Besides, there is no particular timetable to begin and finish a certain program; students can enroll in a program at their own pace and convenience. Also, unlike a traditional set-up where there is only one professor for hundreds of students, at University of Omaha each student is given individual attention, providing them a unique learning experience which is both fulfilling and rewarding.

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At a Glance


University of Omaha is committed for the improvement of educational standards throughout the world. University of Omaha aims to develop students in a way that they excel in their career and be successful by providing access to dynamic degree programs that are characterized by academic excellence, innovative delivery technologies, and strong stakeholder engagement.


University of Omaha expresses its commitment to educational excellence that provides innovative, top quality higher learning opportunities for students all over the world.

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Just as the general trend suggests that technology is meant to make lives easier for everyone, the concept of online education was developed to make the learning processes easier. Instructors and professors involved in online courses and having decades of teaching experience that some students excel in online courses and are able to take full advantage of the learning method as compared to others. Successful online students have a set of expression, technology, organization skills and the motivation that enable them to function well within the online environment.

Students who opt for online education are not supposed to be technology experts, but a certain amount of expertise and the comfort of exchanging ideas and information using the internet is a necessity. The students are particularly required to be keen about the developments in technology and its adoption. Not only this, the students must be willing to accept the failures of technology and must be able to find a way out in order to keep up with the course.

As the speed of Internet connections increases, more courses are incorporating sound and video into the learning experience. However, most communication within an online course still occurs through written expression. Therefore, prospective online students must be proficient in reading and writing. They do necessarily need to do so quickly. One advantage of an online course can be reflection time to synthesize course material. Online courses often work well for students for whom English is a second language. These students can allot additional time to reference words they do not understand or reread material that initially may be confusing.

Self-directed learners will find online learning a rewarding experience. They no longer have to travel to attend a traditional university that offers their required courses. University of Omaha’s well-designed online courses can furnish students and professionals with more control over their education. The most appreciated feature of online learning is that the courses offered through the medium are taught asynchronously, which allows the students to attend the classes according to their convenience.